The Children »
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Do children love farming? Well, does a chicken have lips? Kids take to farming like ducks to water. Chasing chickens, petting lambs, jumping from hay lofts, oinking at pigs, that's where you'll find them.
Skokomish Farms will be a 365 day 4-H training school for your children. They can actively participate in the farming from helping with weed control to feeding calves and lambs. They'll be active in the local fairs and at the farmer markets.
Our farm manager and staff will show the kids what they can learn about agriculture and caring for animals. When they're done with lessons, it's time to head for the ol' swimming holes in the center of the Farm.
And at night they'll be too tuckered out to stay up late.
Now, that's the way to raise kids...!!!
The Farming »
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You'll be amazed what your children can learn and do. When Michael, our youngest son, was 12, he was running our cement mixer. Our oldest son, Casey, at 13, together with our daughter Meaghan, 14, helped build the walls on our cordwood home.
Then, teaming together, they built and roofed the sheep shed. Kids are truly surprising when given responsibility..........they can and do literally perform miracles.
Education for our farm children has the potential to be unlimited! The local public school system is better than average, and with Skokomish Farms having excellent Internet access, home schooling may be a viable path for learning. And, of course, the Farm is a working laboratory for education daily in all phases of agriculture, animal husbandry, and fisheries.
Perhaps owners may wish to pool their skills, and use this collective knowledge for education reminiscent of the past small schoolhouse. We definitely have the land............
The Education »
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There are excellent public schools in the Puget Sound region with many colleges and universities where you and your family can take advantage. Just ask us for the list.
In your new life, you can choose to make learning fun for your children!